Frequently Asked Questions

Auckland at home pet minding, at home pet sitting, dog walking, cat, pet sitter, auckland pet sitting
Why Meet & Greet?​
The Meet & Greet provide an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have. We can discuss any individual or medical requirements so the visits can be tailored to your pet, providing a completely bespoke service. The Meet & Greet is completely pressure free and there is no obligation to book any services if we are not the right fit for your pet.
Can I trust you in my home?
YES, to ensure we provide safe and high-quality visits we have Time-to-Pet App with GPS Tracking, photos and notes for all visits and Pre-employment police vetting and reference check for all sitters.
How do I know if my pet is well while I am away?
We give updates to our clients after each pet visit via our online client portal system. If we do notice any injuries or abnormal behaviours we will notify you promptly.
How frequent does my pet need to be visited per day?
Commonly, our clients prefer to once or twice per day visits. However, you know your fur baby best!
Why is it better for my pet to stay at home than going to a dog kennel /cattery?
Avoiding the trauma of travel to a boarding destination.
Reducing stress as they remain in a comfortable, secure environment where all the sights, smells and sounds are familiar.
Following a customary diet and exercise routine.
Most importantly, your pet receives love and attention while you’re away.
You don’t have to impose on a friend, neighbour or relative who may forget to care for your pet.
You won’t be inconvenienced or upset by transporting your pet.
You can utilize our complimentary services, such as watering plants and bringing in the mail.
Your home is made more secure by the crime-deterrent measures provided by Pet Company.
While you are away, you can feel confident your pet is in capable and caring hands.